August 31, 2011

Dress size is EVERYTHING?

Today when you look at celebrities you see these stick thin models and then we criticize other celebrities who may only be 20 lbs. heavier and look completely normal just like a lot of women, a lot of the time magazines such as "InTouch Weekly", will accuse stars of being pregnant when half the population in the US is increasingly obese. All this pressure on celebs causes them to fluctuate, whether they turn out being too thin and then too fat, when is it too much ?

Throughout the recent years I feel that we are slowly learning that there is a healthy weight for everyone depending on age and height. Jessica Simpson for example...

I look up to Jessica Simpson even though her weight is up and down right now, I still think she is gorgeous at any size. Most people end up comparing her to her Daisy Duke image. Even look at Kim Kardashian! These women are amazing at the size that they are, these two young ladies have got their big day coming up soon and they are both wanting to drop in weight even though it's completely unnecessary. Kim's hoping to drop from her amazing size 6 to a 2 for the wedding. Now Jessica Simpson has been reported to be so concerned that she won't lose the weight in time that she would even postpone the wedding so she can be the size she wants. I believe these women are already beautiful, but everyone can make their own choices for their big day, along as it's not pushed too far into the starving stage, all you need is a healthy diet and lots of exercise to work it off. 

If you've got a goal to get to here are some great yummy examples I have discovered along the way.

Celery with Peanut Butter... 

...Celery is actually negative calories because it's mostly made up of water, and peanut butter can give you that bit of protein to get you through the day!

Carrots with dill...

...It's better if you don't boil the carrots because then all the nutrients will extract the carrot and into the water and that's most likely not something you want to drink, sprinkling some fresh/dried dill on it will give it some flavour. A plus from carrots is that it will give you a light glow if you eat enough of them, which is perfect for you ladies coming up on your special day!

Lettuce Tacos (my favourite lunch to eat)...

...This is a low calorie lunch and it's super tasty! All you need to do is make some home made salsa (the packaged salsa carries a lot of extra salt), lean ground beef or skinless chicken, lay it all out on a piece of bib lettuce, sprinkle a tiny bit of cheese on the top and you are good to go!

Home Made Salsa

1 chopped onion
3 chopped tomatoes
1 minced clove of garlic
1/2 chopped jalapeño
1/4 chopped green pepper
15 mL chopped green onion
10 mL chopped cilantro

Hope these suggestion prove useful.

August 20, 2011

Brunette is not just Brunette!

Natural brunettes can sometimes come off as a bland colour, since I'm such a freak about my hair I tend to change the colour and style quite often. I've tried a bit of everything in the past, red, blonde, black, brunette, and everything in between!

Over the years of constant colouring, I decided to go for a bit without colouring, and since it's the summer time my highlights are coming through, which comes out to be a multi-coloured brunette. I've got a bit of blonde in there, a bit of red, light brown, dark brown. It's crazy! Just goes to show you how different all the brunettes can be! Here are some of my favourite looks...

My dream wedding...

In the spirit of going to a wedding this weekend I wanted to gather all my favourite qualities of a wedding and post it!

The location...

The Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC.

 The theme...

The Bridesmaids...

The Hairstyle...

and finally...the Dress...

I believe a wedding should be a symbol of love between two people, seeing that bride glow as she walks down the aisle, the smile on the grooms face as she walks towards him. Every wedding can be beautiful .

August 14, 2011


What does it mean to be "blonde" ?
The blonde stereotype, the stereotypical perception of blond-haired women, has two aspects. On one hand, over the history, blonde hair in women has been considered attractive and desirable. On the other hand, a blonde woman is often perceived as being dumb, as a "woman who relied on her looks rather than on intelligence."

people tend to presume that blondes are less serious-minded and less intelligent than brunettes, as reflected in "blonde jokes." The roots of this notion may be traced to Europe, with the "dumb blonde" in question being a French courtesan named Rosalie Duthe, satirised in a 1775 play Les curiosites de la Foire for her habit of pausing a long time before speaking, appearing not only stupid but literally dumb (in the sense of mute).

Some blondes may be dumb, but it is certainly not because of their hair colour. One of my best friends has got dark red hair and she is not the brightest lightbulb in the room. 

There are higher numbers of females born blonde than males and retention of blonde hair into adulthood is a sexually selected indicator of fitness in females. Caucasian blondes are usually slightly higher in oestrogen than brunettes and are likely to exhibit other infantile sexually selected traits (indicating low levels of testosterone) that are considered desirable by males, for example finer facial features, smaller nose, smaller jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, smooth skin and less body hair, and infantile behaviour such as higher energy levels and playfulness.

So do mosy guys perfer blonde because they are easier to munipulate? or possibly they just naturally have better genes ? Even as a girl I can admit I find a majority of blondes hotter than us brunettes. Although... brunettes have a devious factor, but that idea has got to go along with a glowing tan. Would it all be preference on what you want in bed ?

Who's hotter?


Dianna or Leighton?


Mila or Jessica ?


Scarlett or Vanessa? 

I want to know what you guys think, comment which one you perfer out of the three sets of photos, and what your outake on blonde is!

August 13, 2011

My favourite show, Sex and the City!

A sensuous and ironic sitcom about four young, desirable, virtually inseparable New York bachelor girls who lead and confide in each-other their ever changing and confusing sex lives, as different as their natures. Carrie Bradshaw is a charming petite columnist, and often the narrator of the story, either writing her copy or off screen, constantly tossing up and rejecting different views on just about anything that does or might impact modern women's sex lives; she tries almost everything, is constantly disappointed, but always seems to return to a certain Mr. Big. Miranda Hobbes is a red-hair lawyer determined to score professionally and to be though in love to, yet her only faithful lover is an insecure nerd. Charlotte York is a gallery-managing wasp from a prestigious, super-rich family, with high old-fashioned moral standards for her lovable but insecure self but unfortunately almost impossible to live up to for any lover...  -KFG Vissers

The six season series ranging from 1998-2004. I noticed about a year ago that they were showing re-runs on COSMO TV, I became hooked on the show! I mean how could you not love this witty comedy about love and sex in New York City!
"You dated Mr. Big. I'm dating Mr. Too Big." - Samantha
"It's so not fair. All the good ones are straight... even the gay ones. " - Stanford
In 2008 they released Sex and the City, the movie!

Spoiler warning...After moving in together in an impossibly beautiful New York apartment, Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big make a rather arbitrary decision to get married. The wedding itself proves to be anything but a hasty affair--the guest list quickly blooms from 75 to 200 guests, and Carrie's simple, label-less wedding gown gives way to an enormous creation that makes her look like a gigantic cream puff. An upcoming photo spread in Vogue puts the event--which will take place at the New York Public Library--squarely in the public eye. Meanwhile, Carrie's girlfriends--Samantha, the sexpot; Charlotte, the sweet naïf; and Miranda, the rigid perfectionist--could not be happier. At least, they couldn't be happier for Carrie. Charlotte still has the unrealized hope of getting pregnant. Samantha is finding a loving, committed relationship more grueling than she could have imagined. Miranda unwittingly...Written by J.Spurlin

Falling in love again with Sex and the City, last year they released, Sex and the City 2!
A dream for Sex and the City fans everywhere!

Two years have passed since Carrie Bradshaw finally bagged John "Mr. Big" Preston, the man she was always meant to be with. Just as her friend Charlotte must deal with her young daughter's "terrible two's", Carrie must deal with her relationship taking a turn for the worse - Big likes to watch old black-and-white movies on TV and eat take-out food, which prevents Carrie from feeling like the free-wheeling party girl she used to be. Meanwhile, Miranda copes with a new boss that can't handle an intelligent, powerful woman, and Samantha works a public relations angle that gets the fashionable foursome an all-expense-paid trip to Abu Dhabi. Written by The Massie Twins.

It is now rumoured for a continuance...

According to Daily Mail, the top choices for the cast are as follows: Blake Lively as Samantha Jones, Selena Gomez for the part of Charlotte York, Emma Roberts as Miranda Hobbs and newcomer Elizabeth Olsen to portray Carrie Bradshaw. Olsen, 22, is the younger sister of billionaire twins Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen. 
Although it sounds like a perfect match, reps for all four actresses tell "Extra" it's not true. 
The prequel would be based on creator Candice Bushnell's two novels, "The Carrie Diaries," and "Summer and the City."
Let's hope it happens !
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July 31, 2011

Wigs coming back in style ?

Could this be the age of trendy wigs ?
I'm not talking about like what Marie Antoinette wore, or the Hannah Montana wigs that people wear for Halloween.
I'm talking about modern wigs, varying from white blonde to jet black, even the in between colours like light pink, firey red, and maybe even dark blue!

Today your see some of the hottest popstars today wearing wigs, you've got Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and the list goes on! Seeing these beautiful women in wigs got me thinking, maybe their on to something ?

The main wig that caught my attention wasn't even on a popstar, is was in an advertisement. It's my new favourite look and I dont think real hair could withstand the bleaching that it would take to get this.

It think it looks beautiful, not very realistic, but I can dream.
Definetley something to think about, something I'm considering.
I wouldnt have to style my hair in the morning, I wouldnt have to worry about my awful roots coming in and I could have whatever colour I wanted without completely ruining my own hair. For someone with thick dark hair like me I have always wanted blonde hair, and maybe now heres my chance ?

Lemme know what you guys think !?