August 31, 2011

Dress size is EVERYTHING?

Today when you look at celebrities you see these stick thin models and then we criticize other celebrities who may only be 20 lbs. heavier and look completely normal just like a lot of women, a lot of the time magazines such as "InTouch Weekly", will accuse stars of being pregnant when half the population in the US is increasingly obese. All this pressure on celebs causes them to fluctuate, whether they turn out being too thin and then too fat, when is it too much ?

Throughout the recent years I feel that we are slowly learning that there is a healthy weight for everyone depending on age and height. Jessica Simpson for example...

I look up to Jessica Simpson even though her weight is up and down right now, I still think she is gorgeous at any size. Most people end up comparing her to her Daisy Duke image. Even look at Kim Kardashian! These women are amazing at the size that they are, these two young ladies have got their big day coming up soon and they are both wanting to drop in weight even though it's completely unnecessary. Kim's hoping to drop from her amazing size 6 to a 2 for the wedding. Now Jessica Simpson has been reported to be so concerned that she won't lose the weight in time that she would even postpone the wedding so she can be the size she wants. I believe these women are already beautiful, but everyone can make their own choices for their big day, along as it's not pushed too far into the starving stage, all you need is a healthy diet and lots of exercise to work it off. 

If you've got a goal to get to here are some great yummy examples I have discovered along the way.

Celery with Peanut Butter... 

...Celery is actually negative calories because it's mostly made up of water, and peanut butter can give you that bit of protein to get you through the day!

Carrots with dill...

...It's better if you don't boil the carrots because then all the nutrients will extract the carrot and into the water and that's most likely not something you want to drink, sprinkling some fresh/dried dill on it will give it some flavour. A plus from carrots is that it will give you a light glow if you eat enough of them, which is perfect for you ladies coming up on your special day!

Lettuce Tacos (my favourite lunch to eat)...

...This is a low calorie lunch and it's super tasty! All you need to do is make some home made salsa (the packaged salsa carries a lot of extra salt), lean ground beef or skinless chicken, lay it all out on a piece of bib lettuce, sprinkle a tiny bit of cheese on the top and you are good to go!

Home Made Salsa

1 chopped onion
3 chopped tomatoes
1 minced clove of garlic
1/2 chopped jalapeƱo
1/4 chopped green pepper
15 mL chopped green onion
10 mL chopped cilantro

Hope these suggestion prove useful.

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