August 14, 2011


What does it mean to be "blonde" ?
The blonde stereotype, the stereotypical perception of blond-haired women, has two aspects. On one hand, over the history, blonde hair in women has been considered attractive and desirable. On the other hand, a blonde woman is often perceived as being dumb, as a "woman who relied on her looks rather than on intelligence."

people tend to presume that blondes are less serious-minded and less intelligent than brunettes, as reflected in "blonde jokes." The roots of this notion may be traced to Europe, with the "dumb blonde" in question being a French courtesan named Rosalie Duthe, satirised in a 1775 play Les curiosites de la Foire for her habit of pausing a long time before speaking, appearing not only stupid but literally dumb (in the sense of mute).

Some blondes may be dumb, but it is certainly not because of their hair colour. One of my best friends has got dark red hair and she is not the brightest lightbulb in the room. 

There are higher numbers of females born blonde than males and retention of blonde hair into adulthood is a sexually selected indicator of fitness in females. Caucasian blondes are usually slightly higher in oestrogen than brunettes and are likely to exhibit other infantile sexually selected traits (indicating low levels of testosterone) that are considered desirable by males, for example finer facial features, smaller nose, smaller jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, smooth skin and less body hair, and infantile behaviour such as higher energy levels and playfulness.

So do mosy guys perfer blonde because they are easier to munipulate? or possibly they just naturally have better genes ? Even as a girl I can admit I find a majority of blondes hotter than us brunettes. Although... brunettes have a devious factor, but that idea has got to go along with a glowing tan. Would it all be preference on what you want in bed ?

Who's hotter?


Dianna or Leighton?


Mila or Jessica ?


Scarlett or Vanessa? 

I want to know what you guys think, comment which one you perfer out of the three sets of photos, and what your outake on blonde is!

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