July 31, 2011

Wigs coming back in style ?

Could this be the age of trendy wigs ?
I'm not talking about like what Marie Antoinette wore, or the Hannah Montana wigs that people wear for Halloween.
I'm talking about modern wigs, varying from white blonde to jet black, even the in between colours like light pink, firey red, and maybe even dark blue!

Today your see some of the hottest popstars today wearing wigs, you've got Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and the list goes on! Seeing these beautiful women in wigs got me thinking, maybe their on to something ?

The main wig that caught my attention wasn't even on a popstar, is was in an advertisement. It's my new favourite look and I dont think real hair could withstand the bleaching that it would take to get this.

It think it looks beautiful, not very realistic, but I can dream.
Definetley something to think about, something I'm considering.
I wouldnt have to style my hair in the morning, I wouldnt have to worry about my awful roots coming in and I could have whatever colour I wanted without completely ruining my own hair. For someone with thick dark hair like me I have always wanted blonde hair, and maybe now heres my chance ?

Lemme know what you guys think !?